13 Sep 2013

You Are Beautiful With Your Skin


Beautiful Women

I do not understand, really, why there are so many beauty products on TV that encourage women to have whiter skin.

In fact, I live in a tropical country that has intense sunlight throughout the year. The manufacturers of the cosmetics do too, so as the artists who advertise the products.

The origins of people who live in my country are those who are dark-skinned, slightly brownish or olive people. Darker skin makes them protected from ultraviolet rays and enables them to adapt to the hot sun.

Then, how can those beauty products suggest women to whiten their skin? They instill the understanding that white skin is the best and most beautiful. That a girl will look beautiful and attractive if they were white.

Girls, no matter white or dark, you are beautiful with your skin. Your skin color doesn't determine beauty. What's the point to have whiter skin but you can't go anywhere because your skin is sensitive to sunlight? Darker skin protects you and will make you healthy because you live in this country.

The best thing you can do is to use beauty products that will keep your skin fresh and healthy. Stop thinking to change the color of your skin, because it is the best gift you get from God.

Believe that a beautiful girl is the one who loves and respects herself. In time, it will bring the right man to come and love you for who you are.


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