2 Mar 2014

Funny Things My Daughter Says

Cute Girl
Having a daughter of my own is the biggest miracle in my life. Along with her development, my daughter has grown into a smart little girl who's always curious of anything going on around her. But a kid is a kid, no matter how smart she may seem, sometimes she just says or does funny and silly things that make other grownups near her laugh. 

My daughter was born on February 14 2006. She’s almost 4 years old now and just loves playing with her toys and cousin, Caca, who lives near our house. When she’s home and playing with us, her parents, she often says silly and funny things. It seems that she tries her best to understand what her parents mean, although in her very simple definitions. It’s interesting to learn that everyday she grows bigger and more clever. And I always feel blessed to be with her every day. 

Going To Work

One afternoon, as I was tidying the dry clothes, my daughter approached me carrying my working bag. 

"Mom, I'm going to work to get some money," she said to me. 

"OK," I nodded smiling ,"where are you going to work to get money, then?" 

From outside of the house, my daughter shouted ,"Easy! I'll just go to the ATM machine and I'll get the money!" 

I laughed hard and thought ,'Boy if only I could just go to the ATM machine and get money whenever I need...! 

If You Love Mommy Then Kiss Her 

One day my husband and I were having a little argument. In the middle of the argument, I asked him to kiss me if he really does love me. My husband, being aware of my overly emotional feeling, refused to do that. 

But all of a sudden my daughter turned up at my door and said ,"If you love Mommy then kiss her!" My husband and I burst out laughing. Soon we forgot the fight and carried our daughter to the bed. There, we kissed her, fondled her, and tickled her she giggled continuously.


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