22 Apr 2014

Finger Print Art Resources


Finger Print

Finger printing is a fun and creative art that can be enjoyed by kids and adults. It's very easy to do; you can learn doing it in a short time and instantly create finger printing arts in no time at all. In fact, you can use the results to create other artworks such as your own handmade cards or stationery papers. 

Basically, finger printing or thumb printing art is an activity of decorating colorful finger prints. You do this by first of all coloring you fingers and thumb with varied color ink pads. Then, after the fingers are colored, you press them against a paper to create colorful finger prints. 

Next, take a pen or marker to create decorations or detailed drawings on the finger prints. You can create lots of finger printing pictures, such as animals, plants, and even a human face. If you want to create animal finger printing pictures, all you have to do is add the animals’ eyes, fins, tails, ears, and other details. 

What Are The Tools to Create Finger Print Arts?

Drawing book or sketch book

Choose a drawing book or sketch book with good absorption ability, because it will make the best result of the finger print arts. This kind of drawing/ sketch book can absorb inks fast and you won't be worried to use other color above the previous one. However, you can choose other media such as glass, plate, or even your room walls to create the finger print drawings. 


You can use water color, oil color, or acrylic paints to create your finger prints. The different inks will create different results; for example acrylic paints may look more bright than water color paints. If you want to include little kids in this project, you can choose to use food colorings which are safe even if they are accidentally swallowed. 


Usually, when you buy a finger print art kit, you will get inks and pad at the same time. Still, you can buy separated pads to make it easier to create colorful finger prints. This way, you won't have to worried about mixed colors. However, buying separated pads can be quite expensive; to overcome this problem you can make your own pads by using foams, old t-shirts, or tissue papers to hold the inks. 

Drawing Pens or Pencils 

Use colored pencils or markers to add details into the finger print drawings or give decorations to them. 

Damp Cloths or Rags 

Prepare damp cloths or old rags near you when you are doing your finger print project. They are useful to clean your fingers when you want to use other colors on your fingers. 

Mixing the Colors

Take a look at the color wheel chart carefully; you will notice that you can get varied colors simply by mixing two colors. For example, you can create purple color from a mixture of red and blue. Meanwhile, green is the result of mixing yellow and blue. You can also experiment by mixing the colors with different compositions; such as two parts of blue and one part of yellow will create slightly different green from what is made by mixing one part of blue and two parts of yellow. Other colors work the same, just try and do it by your self and you will see the difference.


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