29 Mei 2014

One Tooth Out



Yesterday my daughter had her molar tooth extracted. Yes, another tooth had to come out. She had already felt uncomfortable with the problem tooth; it wobbled and felt hurt whenever she chewed or it was exposed to food.

We both went to our regular dentist and she checked the tooth thoroughly. She said that the tooth had already had a dental compound from year 2012.

It's still in good condition but the tooth had cracked into two. Wow! I never thought about that; I thought the compound was the problem but actually the tooth itself!

My daughter was given dental anesthesia which was strawberry flavored. Soon, part of her face became numb.

The doctor extracted the tooth and there were three fractions that she pulled from the tooth; one was the compound and the other two were her tooth. There was blood coming from the tooth hole but it only lasted awhile because I bought her ice cream then. Very soon, the pain whine turned into big grin!


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