2 Jun 2014

Side Effect of Tooth Extraction

Sick Kid

Aini was very excited when the dentist said she could have ice cream and cold drink after extraction to help healing the wound faster. And you know kids won't wait longer for any good chance that is offered to them, so did my daughter.

She nagged for ice cream as soon as we left the dentist. Worried and annoyed, I bought three ice creams in a grocery store and brought them all to my little sister's house where she ate it with her cousins. They were all very happy (of course!).

But here's what came after the joyous moment: she got flu for the ice cream and cold milk she had that day.

Two days after that she started sneezing and coughing. Soon her throat became sore and she had hard time to sleep due to the coughs. What's worse is her asthma eventually showed up as the result of coughing too much.

So much for a happy moment after tooth extraction!

I promise myself next time if she has her other tooth extracted, I will be really careful of giving her ice cream and sorts.


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