16 Sep 2014

Dear Aini


My Dearest Daughter Aini, Mommy loves you very much. Mommy loves you in every single breath and every drop of blood.

Mommy loves you very much. You're the light of my life, the smile in the hazy days.

You're my sun, my star, my heartbeat, my eye balls. Without you, there'll be no single day I could go through.

Yes, there were times when Mommy left you alone. And there were times when Mommy could not be at your side, just when you needed me very much. But you have to know this, Mommy loves you in every minute, every second that passes in our life. And whenever Mommy is not around, my love will be there with you, stay with you wherever you are, 'till the very last our moment together in this world.

And I want you to know, that I always pray for you. Always, and forever, that you'll be the best person this world ever has, and we'll be together again within God's love, in a world far beyond ours now.


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