14 Sep 2014

My Baby and Bells Palsy

My Baby Angel

 Twinkle-twinkle little star, you're my angel yes you are.

My baby was diagnosed Bells Palsy when she's only 1 year old. Her face became unsymmetrical, her smile limped, but still she's the most beautiful angel for me.

Life might be hard and full of burdens, but there is always time to feel yourself blessed with everything that God has given in life. To me, one of His blessings that I have always been thankful for is His giving me a chance to be a Mother.

Yes, I have always feel blessed to be a Mom!

Ever since the first months of my pregnancy until today, being a Mom to a beautiful, lovely little girl is an amazing thing in my life. In fact, seeing her smile and holding her close to me are some of the things I crave for everyday.

My daughter's name is Raden Ayu Athifah Qurrota 'Aini, or Aini for short. She was born on February 14th 2006 through a caesar surgery.

Her name 'Raden Ayu' are given names from my husband's family, a salutation almost similar to 'Lady' in English word. She gets this names because my husband heirs the royal blood of the old Banten Kingdom in East Java, Indonesia.

Meanwhile, 'Athifah Qurrota 'Aini' are Arabic words which mean 'A Pure Woman who Soothes the Eyes'. They are kind of poetic, because the words 'Soothes the Eyes' don't really mean 'cooling sore eyes' but rather 'pleasing anyone who sees her' with her kindness and good attitude.

Though it's never an easy thing to be her Mom, let alone a perfect one, I always feel happy to have her in my life. She colors my days everyday, and our destiny to be bonded as Mom and daughter is something I always thank God for.

Read more... A Caesar Surgery


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