7 Okt 2014

Tempat Bahan Craft Digital Favorit Saya


Melalui proses pembelajaran kerajinan digital saya, saya telah menemukan beberapa desainer digital dengan hati yang murah hati. Mereka membagikan materi digital mereka secara gratis atau mengizinkan siapa pun yang membelinya menggunakan materi tersebut tanpa batas. Ini sangat membantu hobi kerajinan digital saya! Saya sering menggunakan materi mereka untuk membuat kerajinan digital yang saya bagikan dengan orang lain.

Commecial Use Freebies Blogs with License Fee
These blogs offer lots of personal use, commercial use, and CU4CU materials for free under the circumstance that you must first purchase their CU or CU4Cu license fee.

~*~ The Scrappin Cop ~*~
Scrappin Cop has lots of free scrapbooking materials such as embellishments, papers, overlays, photoshop styles, that you can use for personal use.

Purchase a one time Commercial License fee for $20 if you want to use them for commercial use.
~*~ Marbled Circle ~*~
Digital Scrapbook freebies, Commercial Use, Photoshop, printables. Marbled Circle gives occasional freebies (photo frames, gift tags, etc) for personal use.

You can purchase life time CU4CU license for $15 if you want to use those freebies for commercial use. The license also allows you use their materials sold in digital stores commercially.
~*~ Snappyscrappy ~*~
Occasional PU and CU freebies available for download on the blog. If you want to use them for Commercial Use, you must first purchase Commercial Use license for $15.

This license also covers CU items sold in the store to be used in making Commercial Use products.
~*~ HG Designs ~*~
Digital freebies for photographers, scrapbookers and designers. Get unlimited Commercial Use license for $15, pay one time and use all the freebies forever.

Commecial Use Freebies Blogs without License Fee
These blogs offer lots of personal use, commercial use, and CU4CU materials for free. You can download and use the materials for your digital creations without having to pay for Commercial Use license.

~*~ Scrap and Tubes ~*~
Digital Scrapbooking Site with Lot of Freebies. Free CU and CU4CU materials, can be downloaded and used without having to pay Commercial Use license first.

Also available Scrap and Tubes' membership site where you can download much more digital materials for personal or commercial use.
~*~ Cajoline Scrap ~*~
Lots of Personal Use, Commercial Use, and CU4CU freebies available for download. The Commercial Use materials can only be used to create final Personal Use products (not resale products).
~*~ Granny Art ~*~
A lot of freebies with completely unrestricted use license. You can use the materials from this blog to create your own personal or commercial products.
~*~ Delicious Scraps ~*~
Occasional CU materials that you can download and use for free.
~*~ Pixel Scrapper ~*~
Digital scrapbooking resources. Free templates, overlays, papers, etc for your creative works. Donation is highly appreciated by the blog owner.
~*~ Dodie's Blog ~*~
Occasional PU and CU materials available for download.
~*~ Wishing on A Starr ~*~
Lots of free Commercial Use materials to use.
~*~ Ronda Design ~*~
Beautiful free CU items. Blog is no longer updated.

Digital Stores with Easy Commercial Use Term

~*~ CCDesigns, Digital Scrap Supplies ~*~
CU Photoshop Styles CU Christmas Presets & Elements CU PSP Paint Tools Popular CU Glitter Products CU Patterns Scrap Element Kits - Lots of bargain bins -- my favorite!
~*~ SnappyScrappy ~*~
Scrap Kits CU OK All CU 4 CU Resources CU & CU4CU Templates CU4CU Commercial Licence PS Styles CU4CU Paintshop Pro Tubes CU BUY MY STORE Papers CU & CU4CU Clipart CU
~*~ Digital Design Boutique ~*~
Run by Marbled Circle blog owner. Exclusive Reseller Graphics Reseller Digi Stamps Reseller Clipart Value Bundles CU Photoshop Actions and Tools CU Digital Designer Resources Reseller Websets Exclusive.
~*~ Digi Scrap Kits ~*~
Country Clipart, Primitive Graphics, Digital Scrapbooking, African American Apple Clip Art Automobile Clip Art Babies, Children Bath & Body Clip Art Bunny Rabbit Clip Art Butterfly Clip Art Clown Clip Art Coffee Clip Art.
~*~ NeareStore ~*~
Unlimited use of Vintage illustrations. You can use the illustrations for personal or in your business, but not for creating resale products.
~*~ Primlicious Graphics ~*~
Unlimited use of cliparts and graphics. You can use them for Personal or Commercial Use, but not sold "as is".

Graphics Membership Clubs
These websites have membership system that you can join for recurring payment. Once you have become a member, you will be able to download cliparts, illustrations, etc for their site and use them for your creativity.

~*~ Country Clip Art by Lisa ~*~
Graphics and Clip Art to download for Crafts, Calendars, Scrapbooks, Desktop Publishing, Schools, Web Design and more. Clip Art for Printing, Web Graphics, Free Graphics and Free Printables like Recipe Cards, Labels and More. Pay $7.99 for each month, other membership type is available.
~*~ The Graphics Shoppe Graphics Club ~*~
The Graphics Shoppe Graphics Club - Cute Clipart - Digital Scrapbooking Clipart, Digital Scrapbooking Freebies. Pay $5.99 per month, other membership types are available on the wesite.
~*~ J.Rett Graphics ~*~
J.Rett Graphics are perfect for any occasion including personal, business use, and school use. Holidays, Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Easter, Valentine, birthday, cheer, baby, new year, clip art, graphics, clipart, jpeg, png, psp tubes. Pay $45 for 1 year membership.
~*~ Pixels by Judy ~*~
Blurb Book,Paint Shop Tubes,Fonts, Ding Bats, Presets,Animations, Adult, Membership Tubes, link ware web sets,exclusive use web sets,member email tags. Pay $36.95 for 1 year membership.
~*~ Graphic Allusions ~*~
Graphic Allusions offers quality free PSP tubes and Photoshop images, royalty-free tubes and commercial graphics including web page sets, backgrounds, buttons, Paint Shop Pro tubes and tutorials. Pay $2.5 per month subscription.


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