11 Mar 2021

Tugas Membuat Surat Tidak Resmi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Menulis Surat

Berikut contoh tugas membuat surat tidak resmi untuk pelajaran bahasa Inggris kelas 9 (3 SMP). Surat bahasa Inggris ini berisi cerita seorang kakak kepada adiknya tentang apa yang ia alami selama tinggal di asrama sekolah. Anda bisa mencontoh tugas ini dengan mengganti nama, email, serta topik utama di dalam surat.

(Tugas milik R.A. Athifah. Bila menggunakan contoh tugas ini, cantumkan link halaman yaitu ).

Non Formal Letter (Surat Tidak Resmi)

From: carolinejones@yahoo.com
To: cassiej25@yahoo.com

Subject: Greetings my favorite little sis

How are you? I'm so sorry I haven't written you any letter for weeks:(. I got a full 2 weeks final exams that just ended 2 days ago. Anyway, I have a funny story for you.

So yesterday, me and Claire (my roommate, you'll love her) decided to go for a walk at the park. We stopped at the cafe near campus to buy ourselves two cup of lattes and bagels. That morning was pretty chilly but the sky is clear. Once we got to the park, we sat under a tree and ate our breakfast. Suddenly we heard a meow from above us.

There was a tiny black kitten hanging in one of the branches, meowing at us. It seemed that it got stuck and was asking for our help. We panicked and almost spilled our lattes. Claire was screaming in my ears and jumping up and down trying to grab the kitten. She looked so ridiculous, I almost wanted to laugh at her but the poor kitten suddenly slipped from the branch and was hanging by its claws. That's when I also panicked.

We were screaming and jumping trying to get a hold of it but we didn’t succeed, the branch was too high for us to reach. We then settled on waiting for the kitten to fall so we could catch it and outstretched our hands. The kitten couldn't hold itself anymore and fell right on top of my palms. We were so relieved we could caught it in time.

Turned out, it wasn't just any black haired kitten. It's fur was curly and very pretty. It was so unique. It also looked tiny and young. We tried to look for its mother but we couldn't find her. It didn’t wear any collar either. We felt sorry for it and decided to take it home with us. We couldn't leave it alone out there. Especially in the cold like this:(

Claire and I brought it back to our dorms. Thankfully Mr. McLorenz doesn't have a ‘no pets policy’ so we were good to go. We found out it was a male as we bathed it and named him “Omi-omi”. He's quiet shy but very adorable. You should come and see him sometimes:). I’ve attached a picture of him in case you’re curious...

Anyways, I heard from Mom that you won the chess tournament! Congratulations Cass, I'm so happy for you! You definitely need to write me the details in your reply. And I’ll also treat you a box of Krispy Kreme when you come over. I hope you're all doing well at home:) Stay safe bubba. Love you, bye!


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