4 Mar 2025

My Little Angel

My daughter's name is Aini. She's a very caring and kind-hearted little girl. She would gladly help me with daily home duties whenever she's asked to.


Shift the bed and pull up the sheeting, she'll stand beside me to help me make the bed. Get a cup of tea and she'll hold the spoon ready to pour the sugar into it and stir the tea with her clumsy way of stirring. Or, just sit relaxed whenever the hand phone rings, she'll happily run carrying it to me.


My little girl just wants to be noticed, with all of her efforts; even it means to help me cut the vegetables I bought from the grocery with her plastic knife!


Aini just loves watching the movies and playing with the dolls of Strawberry Shortcake, Hello Kitty, Winnie the Pooh, Minnie Mouse, and Barbie.


But the angel is also the crybaby girl. She whines most of the times trying to get attention from her Mom and Dad. And she would never stop doing acts that may make me furious; step up on my working bag where I put all my electronic gadgets in, press the laptop keyboards hard I have to yell at her to stop, or spill over the milk or water and make her shirt wet, again and again. She does them all just to get an attention, and that work!


Everyday is a tiring day when it comes to accompanying my daughter with her toddler's activities. Yet it all worth doing, because seeing your own baby grows everyday and being there to teach her everything about life are things that not everyone in this world may have the chance to. As she grows, I grow too.


From her, I learn how to control my self, my patience and anger, and how I should manage to learn new things everyday. So that I can always be there, whenever she feels like need me.


I love you, Baby, with all my heart.


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